sábado, 30 de julio de 2011


Yesterday I went to Customs to picked up the COM 8B frame :-D. Today saturday I assembled everything, and now the project is turning into a real thing!! It was very easy to assembled, first I sanded and washed all parts and then followed the instructions that came in the box. I also looked different pictures to see if I was going on the correct way.

Next step is finishing legs and center ankle. After that finishing the Dome so I can start later on electronics. In the meanwhile I'll be painting styrene parts.

miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011

Arduino Kit arrived!

Arduino starter KIT arrived safety. I will use this to build FLD and RLD.

Drivers arrived!!

I received the Sabertooth 2x25 and Syren 10 drives. The first one is for main feet and the second one is for the Dome.

miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011

RLD and FLD Boards arrived!

I also received from Laen the PCB to build the Front and Rear Logic displays. I will follow this tutorial.
And received the MAX7219 Led Display Driver as well.

MDF Inner ring

Yesterday I bought a circular MDF 46x18mm to make the inner dome ring. I sanded it about 3/4mm and then cut out the center to fit the bottom dome ring. After that, I presented the inner dome ring and put the outer dome and Dome Base Plate, here it made a mistake trying to force the Dome ring and broke the thin strip below the RLD. I will need to glue it once everything is done.

During the weekend I will drill the Inner Dome Ring and try to fit everything before I receive the body frame.

12 Channel RF Remote arrived

Today I received the 12 Channel Wireless RF Radio Remote Control System. I will use this for Sounds along with the Arduino and CFIII Sound.

Center Foot

I've been working on the Center Foot. I made it of styrene 3mm, put an MDF frame inside to tight it up and make it stronger, and glued 3mm strips inside as a frame as well. Next step is to finish the details.